Tiešsaistes angļu valodas tests

Uzziniet savu angļu valodas prasmes līmeni tikai dažās minūtēs! Mūsu tests palīdzēs novērtēt gramatikas un leksikas zināšanas. Piemērots gan iesācējiem, gan tiem, kam jau ir zināma pieredze.

Angļu valodas tests A1-C1

Izvēlieties labāko atbildi uz katru jautājumu.

Lūdzu, atstājiet savu kontaktinformāciju, lai mēs varētu jums nosūtīt nokārtotā testa rezultātu.

1 / 45

Where ____ from? I’m from Latvia.

2 / 45

             five people in my family.

3 / 45

I get up            6 o’clock in the morning.

4 / 45

I like apples, but I ______ bananas.

5 / 45

How much are _______ shoes?

6 / 45

I usually go to work __ train.

7 / 45

Last night I ______ to the cinema.

8 / 45

______ were you at the weekend? I was in Scotland.

9 / 45

______ you have a good time at the party? Yes, it was fun.

10 / 45

Bob will meet ______ at the airport.

11 / 45

I’m going to a concert tonight. ______ you like to come?

12 / 45

Do you sell stamps? Yes, we do. How ______ do you want?

13 / 45

I’d like ______ milk in my coffee, please.

14 / 45

Is this a good time to talk? Sorry, no. I ______ dinner.

15 / 45

I think cycling is more dangerous ______ driving.

16 / 45

We ______ going to the theatre next Saturday.

17 / 45

Did Anna finish the report? No. She ______ it tomorrow.

18 / 45

We never ______ a television when I was a child.

19 / 45

The last time I              Joanna was in Paris.

20 / 45

If you ______ money from a friend, you should always pay it back promptly.

21 / 45

______ anywhere interesting recently?

22 / 45

If the weather ___________ bad tomorrow, we will go to the museum.

23 / 45

Hans isn’t here. He ______ to see his grandmother. He’ll be back tomorrow.

24 / 45

Have you finished ______ the wall yet?

25 / 45

Can you help me? I’ve tried ______ hotel in the city and can’t find a room.

26 / 45

My doctor advised me ______ more exercise.

27 / 45

About a billion cans of Coca-Cola ______ drunk around the world every day.

28 / 45

I couldn’t ______ up with the noise in the city, so we moved to the countryside.

29 / 45

I’ve got a terrible headache, and it won’t go away. Have you tried ______ some aspirin?

30 / 45

Boxing is a sport ______ requires a lot of speed and fitness.

31 / 45

What clothes should I pack for a trip to Boston? Well, it depends ______ the time of year that you go.

32 / 45

Ben got the job because he ______ a very good impression at his interview.

33 / 45

I’m writing ______ ask you to explain.

34 / 45

He said that most problems ______ by teenagers.

35 / 45

We ______ lunch when you telephoned.

36 / 45

If I ______ enough money, I’d buy a new car.

37 / 45

They _____ an old photograph of the place.

38 / 45

It was difficult at first, but I soon ______ it.

39 / 45

They ______ heard us coming, we were making a lot of noise.

40 / 45

By the age of 18, I ______ not to go to university.

41 / 45

The amount of organically grown food on sale has ______ enormously in recent years.

42 / 45

My mother’s Italian, so ______ the language has been quite easy for me.

43 / 45

There’s going to be a new department at work. They’ve asked me to ______ it up.

44 / 45

By the end of today’s seminar I will ______ to each of you individually.

45 / 45

Having ______ his driving test several times, Paul finally passed at the fourth attempt.

Your score is


Ko ietver angļu valodas tests?

Gramatika un leksika:

Tests aptver angļu valodas gramatikas pamata un padziļinātos aspektus, tajā skaitā nosacītus teikumus un frāžu darbības vārdus.

Rezultāti un rekomendācijas

Pēc testa veikšanas Jūs saņemsiet detalizētu pārskatu par savu angļu valodas prasmes līmeni un ieteikumus par piemērotiem kursiem.

Ar ko var rasties grūtības?

Angļu valoda ir pazīstama ar saviem daudzajiem sarežģītiem aspektiem, it īpaši tiem, kas to apgūst kā otro valodu. Viens no sarežģījumu aspektiem ir frāziskie darbības vārdi, kuri maina savu nozīmi atkarībā no prievārda, tāpēc tie prasa rūpīgu apguvi un iegaumēšanu. Vēl viena problēma ir izrunas noteikumi, kas bieži vien nesakrīt ar rakstīšanu, radot grūtības lasot un runājot.

Visbeidzot, angļu valodā ir daudz idiomu un nemainīgu izteicienu, kurus ne vienmēr ir viegli pārtulkot citās valodās, un tas var radīt grūtības tos saprast un lietot sarunvalodā.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi:

Cik ilgi ilgst angļu valodas tests?

Tests ilgst aptuveni 20 minūtes un ietver uzdevumus visu valodas aspektu pārbaudei.

Vai testu var kārtot atkārtoti?

Jā, Jūs varat kārtot testu atkārtoti, lai novērtētu savu progresu.

Kādu līmeni var noteikt ar testa palīdzību?

Tests nosaka līmeni no A1 (sākotnējais) līdz C1 (profesionālais).

Pievienojies komandai

Aizpildiet un iesniedziet veidlapu, un mēs ar jums sazināsimies tuvākajā laikā.